The Importance of Cultural Cooperation: Malta’s National Librarian Expresses Interest in Collaboration with China

Discover the importance of cultural cooperation between Malta and China and how libraries and information services play a crucial role in promoting cross-cultural understanding. Through ongoing dialogue and collaboration, let us continue to promote cultural exchange and build a more peaceful and inclusive world. Find out potential benefits, challenges, and how language plays a critical tool in cultural exchange in this insightful article.

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“Uncovering the First Maltese Female Novelist and the Importance of Women and Language in Maltese Literature”

# The First Maltese Female Novelist – Malta’s first female novelist was recently discovered. – Her name was Emmanuela Zammit. – She wrote a novel in Maltese called “Rotta Ghaliex,” which translates to “The Reason for the Route.” – Zammit wrote her novel in the 1920s, but it wasn’t published until 1934. Emmanuela Zammit has…

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