The Plight of Migrants in the Mediterranean: Challenges and Responsibilities of States and NGOs

The humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean continues to escalate, as migrants risk their lives to seek refuge in Europe. The recent incident involving German NGO Sea-Eye and Maltese authorities highlights the urgent need for a more effective and humane response. Despite Malta’s legal obligations under international law, responsibility-sharing remains a contentious issue as many states in the region struggle to meet their responsibilities. NGOs like Sea-Eye have played a vital role in search and rescue operations but have also faced criticism for allegedly encouraging more migration and collaborating with smugglers. The EU’s approach of externalizing migration control and financing the Libyan coast guard has also been criticized for breaching international law and exposing migrants to abuse. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all states in the region to uphold their legal obligations and address the underlying factors causing the crisis.

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Gian Marco Berti: Rise to Victory in the Men’s Trap Event at the Games of the Small States of Europe

Discover the inspiring story of Gian Marco Berti, the talented shooter from San Marino who recently won the men’s trap title at the Games of the Small States of Europe in Valetta. Shooting has become a popular sport worldwide, but smaller nations like San Marino may not have the same resources or facilities to train at the same level as larger nations. This article provides insights into Berti’s background, his path to victory, the men’s trap event in shooting, the Games of the Small States of Europe, and how events like these inspire inclusiveness and unity among nations.

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